For over 50 years Russ Lanoie has been learning the secrets of dealing with too much water on roads, in basements or in septic systems in an environment with considerable frost, snowfall, and torrential thunderstorms. Today Russ specializes in road and driveway consulting and maintenance services. In the past he has been a licensed septic system designer and installer, concentrating on septic system locating, troubleshooting and repairs, and also land and basement drainage in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.

Through learning the process of maintaining many miles of unpaved roads Russ has developed a short course and self-published a manual for owners and travelers on these road because 40% of the public roads (and untold thousands of miles of private roads) in this country are not paved.

Russ has also assembled a manual to help homeowners with wet basements understand where the water is coming from and how to get rid of it.  Download it here:

He has also included his Septic System Troubleshooting Guide, developed with his co-workers after many years of developing these procedures to help folks determine what may be wrong with their septic systems.

Russ welcomes questions and input from readers. Also, he is available to present workshops throughout the New England area on the subjects covered in this Website.

Also read his blog at:

Russ Lanoie


  • Associate’s Degree in Civil Technology, UNH Thompson School, 1969
  • USAF NHANG Aircraft Electrician 1963-67
  • Member Local Career & Technical Education Advisory Council, Region 9, Kennett High School
  • Tin Mountain Conservation Center volunteer and program presenter
  • Former Rhode Islander, moved to NH in 1964. Married since 1971 to Joan who retired after 15 years as Volunteer Services Coordinator at Memorial Hospital in North Conway
  • Semi-Retired and waiting for the phone to stop ringing…


  • Formerly Licensed Septic System designer/installer; Member of the Granite State Designers and Installers Association
  • Former State Certified Energy Auditor (built one of the first passive solar homes in the area)
  • Septic Consultant to UNH Co-operative Extension Service
  • Program presenter for various seminars on Solar Energy, Energy Conservation, Septic Systems, and Road & Driveway Maintenance.