The grader / rake in place of the bucket on a small compact tractor.
This is the smallest vehicle that Russ Lanoie has used in his driveway maintenance business. Even though this tractor is only 14 horsepower (Diesel), it proved extremely efficient for driveway and landscape work and super easy to operate. This photo shows the tractor pushing a loaded 6′ grader / rake uphill in high range. The fellow driving the tractor who was trying it out for the first time observed. “This thing’s so easy to operate that in just a short time I’m grading like a pro.”
The grader / rake is adapted onto the loader arms in place of the bucket and is power angled by the bucket roll back circuit.

Grader / rake on a Gehl skid steer.
This attachment can easily be adapted to any skid steer and benefits from the machine’s maneuverability, unobstructed visibility, and ease of attachment exchange.

The ultimate road warrior, the Hummer, equipped with a Front Runner for maintenance of any road, anywhere.
The Hummer matched nicely with the Front Runner, with its ability to traverse steep slopes and soft material, and still move rapidly from site to site at turnpike speeds. You want to see some heads turn!
Note that you’ll find a picture of the Front Runner in some of the Hummer sales literature.

Grader / rake on a Gehl articulated loader.
This is one of the four vehicles Russ Lanoie, grader / rake’s designer, uses in his road maintenance and restoration business in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This tractor is used for heavy duty reconstruction and maintenance. Interchangeability between grader / rake and 1 yard bucket and forks make the machine very productive for road and construction work.

Road maintenance with Front Runner on 1 ton truck.
This photo was taken during a regular summer maintenance visit to a private development road in Conway, NH. Note the amount of material the Front Runner carries. Also note how the unit is angled toward the center of the road to restore the crown. Large rocks will eventually be separated and removed from the recoverable material.
(see blog article)

Plowing early winter snowstorm with Front Runner on 3/4 ton Dodge pickup.
Note how the wet, sticky snow holds together and clears almost completely without any loss between tines.
(see blog article)

Grader / rake on a rental skid steer.
Because the attachment is so easy to use it is a natural for rental companies. Customers can learn to grade within minutes rather than hours or days, making them more satisfied and increasing the demand for skid steer rental.